Instructions for Windows
Download Version
The download version of PHP Point Of Sale can be setup to be accessible from an internal network as well as over the Internet.
If you installed PHP Point Of Sale onto your local windows computer at your store; this article applies to you.
The first step is to setup your firewall to allow connections from other machines.
Open the control Panel
Select "System And Security"
Click Firewall
On the left side panel click "Advanced Settings"
On the left panel choose Inbound Rules
On the right panel click New Rule
Select Port on the next screen
Make sure TCP is selected and specify port 80 (Unless you picked a different port during install) and click Next
Choose "Allow this connection"
If you want it to work over the Internet make sure the 3 boxes Domain, Private and Public are checked and then click Next
Name the rule php pos
Click Finish
The next step is to obtain computer host name and/or IP address
It is recommend to use the host name on your local network to access the point of sale system in case your router assigns a new ip address. To obtain your host name, follow these steps:
Open System by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.
Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you can find your computer name, and its full computer name if your computer is on a domain. You will want to write down the computer name
To obtain your IP address follow these steps:
- Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type adapter, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click View network connections.
- Select an active network connection, and then, in the toolbar, click View status of this connection.
Click Details. - Your computer's IP address appears in the Value column, next to IPv4 Address.
After you have obtained your ip address and/or computer name go to another computer on your network and type in http://COMPUTER_NAME or http://IP_ADDRESS
You should now be able to login to php pos
NOTE: If you want to access php pos over the Internet you will need to setup port forwarding to port 80 on your router and find your public ip address by going to This is a more advanced feature and is different for each router.
Remote Web Server
If you installed php pos on a remote web server make sure you use Install onto Existing Server (Manual Install) If you are having trouble accessing the application, please contact our support.
Instructions for MacOS
Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
Click Security or Security & Privacy.
Click the Firewall tab.
Unlock the pane by clicking the lock in the lower-left corner and enter the administrator username and password.
Click "Turn Off Firewall"
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