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Supplier Invoices

Chris Muench
Chris Muench
  • Updated


To keep track of outstanding balances, PHP POS has the invoice feature. Supplier invoices are a record of the money your business owes to its suppliers.

The invoice feature incorporates well into the workflow for store accounts. You can use invoices to balance a store account. For more information on how to incorporate invoices into your store account workflow see the article here. This article deals with manually creating and managing invoices.

The invoice feature is available in the left menu. To create and manage invoices, click Invoice and then select Suppliers.


In This Article:

Create an Invoice

To create a new invoice, click New Invoice in the top right.

The Invoice Basic Info page has several fields to fill out:

Invoice Date

By default, this will fill with the current date. See the article here on the calendar feature to change the date.


Start typing the name of a supplier and select them from the dropdown. Suppliers must be created before they can be assigned to an invoice. See the article here on creating Suppliers.


This is how long until an invoice must be paid, for example, Net 15 or Net 30. See Manage Terms below to add different term options.

Due Date

This will autofill based on the Invoice Date entered and Terms selected. You can also manually select a due date for the invoice.

When you have finished click Save and a new button Add Invoice Line Item will appear along with a count of the Balance and Total of the invoice. There are several fields you can enter for a line item:


This is your chance to explain what the item being charged is.


Enter the dollar amount you want added to the invoice for the item.


You can label what account you want an invoice item related to.

Click Save to add the line item. Line items will increase the invoice amount due. You can delete line items with the Delete column under the Invoice Details section.

After you have added line items there will be a button to Pay towards the invoice balance. See the section below on paying an invoice.

Make sure to Save your invoice before going Back to Invoices.


Manage Terms

To manage the terms that show in your invoice dropdown, click Invoice and then select Suppliers.

In the top right click the ellipses (...) and select Manage Terms.

There are several things you can do for terms:

Add Term

This allows you to create a new term to use for invoices. It will bring up a popup for you to name your new term as you want it to appear in the invoice dropdown. You can add a description of the terms and then select the Days Due. This will be the number of days added to the invoice date to determine when the invoice must be paid.

Once you have added all the term information hit Save and it will be one of your new term choices going forward.


Selecting edit allows you to change the name, description, and days due for your term. If you change the name, it will automatically update the term on any existing invoices.


Clicking delete will remove a term. Any invoice that had that term will automatically have it removed. When you delete a term this action cannot be undone.

Note: Terms created will also be available in Customer Invoices.

View Invoices

To manage the terms that show in your invoice dropdown, click Invoice and then select Suppliers.

Under the Actions column is a button to View the invoice. The invoice will be brought up on the screen. You will be able to see all the details of the invoice, including any payment history.

Print an Invoice

When you view an invoice there’s a button to Print your invoice. You can either download the invoice as a PDF or send it to your printer.

When you’re done looking at an invoice, you can click Back To Invoices in the top right to return to the main invoice page.


Filter Invoices by Past Due Dates

On the main invoices page, there are five filters set up to quickly filter your invoices by the time overdue the balance is. For example, clicking the 30 filter will show you any invoices that are 30 or more days past their due date.

Invoices that have been paid in full, will not appear in these lists.

Edit an Invoice

To edit your invoices, click Invoice and then select Suppliers.

Under the Actions column is a button to Edit the invoice. The invoice will be brought up on the screen. You will be able to update all the details of the invoice

Pay an Invoice

You can record payments made on a supplier invoice. First, click Invoice and then select Supplier.

Under the Actions column is a button to Pay on the invoice.

Enter the Amount that is being paid as well as the Payment Type. Click Submit to add the payment to the invoice history.

Delete Invoices

To delete an invoice, click Invoice and then select Suppliers.

Locate the invoice you want removed and select the checkbox next to it. You can select multiple invoices at once with the checkboxes or select all of the invoices on a page by clicking the checkbox in the header. Once you have selected the invoices, click Delete in the menu above the list.




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