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Invoices for Store Account Charges

Chris Muench
Chris Muench
  • Updated


Rather than having to create a manual invoice for a customer’s store account or for your store account with a supplier, you can have PHP POS automatically track the balance with invoices. This means that every time a purchase is completed using Store Account as a payment method, the details will be added to an invoice.

This article will go over how to set up invoices for store account charges and a note about how store account balances are tracked. The rest of the invoice features are the same as regular Supplier Invoices and Customer Invoices.

In This Article:

Setup Invoices for Store Account Charges

The first step in setting up automatic invoices for store account charges is navigating to Store Config in the left menu.

In the search bar, enter invoice. You will see two options appear under the Store Accounts section, one for customer accounts and the other for store accounts.

Use the checkboxes to select which store account charges you want to create invoices. Click Save in the bottom left to apply the new settings.

Note: This will only apply to store account charges going forward, not previous transactions.

Now every transaction that is a store account charge will automatically create an unpaid invoice!

Partial Invoice Payments and Store Account Balances

Note that if a customer makes a partial payment on an invoice that is tied to their store account, it will not change the balance display on the sales screen.

For example, you can see on the invoice screen that a customer paid 12.50 towards their 112.50 invoice total.

But, when added to a sale, the customer will still show a 112.50 Balance until the entire invoice has been paid.

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