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View Transfer Requests

Chris Muench
Chris Muench
  • Updated

If you have multiple locations you should periodically check to see if any locations have requested inventory transfers from your store. You can view requests from other locations to have you send inventory on the Transfer Requests page.

Navigate to the Receiving main feature page.

Once the page opens, click the ellipses (...) to see more options and select Transfer Requests.

This opens the Transfer Requests page where you can see an overview of inventory transfers your location is expected to send out.

If you need to make any edits or see details of the request, click Unsuspend to open the transfer request.

From there, depending on your company workflow, you can mark the transfer as complete. Note that marking a transfer complete removes it from the queue and updates the inventory in both locations.

Any comments left will be visible in the queue or the main request screen for your reference and for the requester to see.


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