To set up SSO for your store, navigate to Store Config in the left menu.
Scroll down and click on the Single Sign On (SSO) Info section.
A new section will open with several fields for you to fill out for your SSO.
SSO Protocol - Select either SAML or OIDC. The option you select in the dropdown will change the first few fields. These fields can be filled in with the information provided by your SAML or OIDC provider and simply need to be copied and pasted here.
SAML Name ID Format/OIDC Username Field - Usernames need to be mapped from your SSO provider.
SAML Groups Field Name/ OIDC Groups Field - Groups map to permission templates and need to be specified to map data.
First Name Field Name - Title of your first name field.
Last Name Field Name - Title of your first name field.
E-Mail Field Name - Title of your email field.
At the end, you have the option to only allow SSO logins. This means that if someone cannot just use a username and password to log in. To enable this, click the checkbox next to Only Allow SSO Logins.
Click Save in the bottom right to keep your changes.
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