End of day process?

Liza Steyn

Hi all,

My business will be opening two new locations soon. I am busy evaluating PHP POS on a trial basis for this purpose.

It seems to be ticking most boxes. However, there is a crucial aspect of a point of sale which I am just not finding in PHP POS. Perhaps I am being completely blind or daft, and I would appreciate some guidance in this respect.

Every POS that I have worked with in the past has the following or similar end-of-day process:-

1) Each cashier commences the cash-up process which involves:-
a) Counting a tally of all coins and notes in the various denominations in each till via an integrated cash-up calculator;

b) Inputting the amount of cash minus float into a reconciliation screen. This screen also allows a person to do a total tally of all card transactions for the day plus any other payment method if required.

2) The system would then make a comparison against the day's actual recorded takings and then brief the cashier on where there are any discrepancies, which can then be investigated or commented upon. Any unders/overs are usually sent to a till discrepancy account within the synced bookkeeping system.

3) After this, the cashier can do an 'end of day' which closes the active balances and resets it to zero for the next trading day.

I cannot find any end-of-day functionality on PHP POS. I can only find a closeout report. It is also not clear to me how to end a day and clear the balances. I did some transactions yesterday, but the closeout report for yesterday's and today's date shows zero taking totals.

I would be very appreciative if current PHP POS users could give me some insight into how they handle end-of-day and balancing-of-cashier-totals processes, and how the totals are committed and reset for a new day of trading.

Thank you in anticipation.



  • Comment author
    Chris Muench
    • Official comment

    What you are looking for is in store config. You need to check 2 boxes “track cash in register” track credit card in register”

  • Comment author
    Ken N.

    Other than what Chris mentioned, it's still lacking a proper end-of-day report which I've requested to have implemented, here.  There are ways around it but you'll need to pull from multiple reports to get what you're looking for.  You can also use the link I provided to see what features are in the works or might be missing from what you need.  I have tested and used 2 different POS systems but nothing comes close to PHPPOS for its features and pricing.


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